Junior Product Manager

Оплата не указана

Вакансия находится в архиве

Требуемый опыт работы

От 1 года до 3 лет

Тип занятости

Полная занятость

График работы

Полный день


  • The organization and performing of all the activities related to launch and promotion Octapharma products in Russia;
  • Investigation of the pharmaceutical market on regular basis;
  • To take active part in marketing projects;
  • Preparation of promotional materials;
  • Collection, analysis, distribution and usage of national and international scientific data;
  • Collection, analysis, distribution and usage of data regarding competitors activities;
  • Digital projects management
  • Creation of actual competition analysis.
  • To identify and inform relevant departments on possible problems and solve them before they influence normal work process of creating demand for the Company products. To cooperate and communicate properly with other departments of the Company.
  • To analyze results of the promotion activities and report them to the head of Marketing Department on a regular basis in accordance with the established Company standards and reporting system.
  • To be prepared for business trips upon the business needs and management instructions.


  • Medical Doctor or Pharma degree would be a plus
  • Communication and presentation fluency
  • Experience in developing strategy for pharmaceutical products
  • Advanced computer skills (including Internet and search for medical information)
  • Ability to work in multicultural environment
  • English (written and spoken)

We provide:

  • Employment package pursuant to the Labor Code of Russia
  • Medical and dental insurance
  • Free lunch provided by the company.
  • Competitive compensation and benefits

Ключевые навыки

Marketing communication
Project management
Strategic marketing
Programmatic advertising
Product marketing
Market research
Marketing events
Product management
Negotiation skills
Analytical skills
Английский язык
Event management
Brand management


Москва, Денежный переулок, 11с1

Контактная информация

Представительство Октафарма Нордик АБ

Сайт: octapharmaru.com

Почта: не указана

Вакансия опубликована 19.04.2024 в г. Москва.

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