Digital Marketing Specialist/Advertising Manager

Оплата не указана

Вакансия находится в архиве

Gabazyans Maria

г. Москва

Требуемый опыт работы

Нет опыта

Тип занятости

Полная занятость

График работы

Удаленная работа

- study of CA, market trends and competitors
- search and attraction of partners, new channels and sources of promotion
- placement of advertising campaigns in Internet resources
- control of placed RCs
- analyse the effectiveness of RCs
- working with search engines (Google and others).

- knowledge of English at the level of B1-C2
- basic level of PC and MS Office skills
- sales experience
- knowledge of marketing strategies, tools for promotion of RCs
- Knowledge of key metrics of advertising campaign effectiveness, ability to analyse the effectiveness of RCs
- desire to grow and develop, generation of new ideas and search
- literacy
- communication skills
- Knowledge of a foreign language (other than English) will be an advantage.
*Spanish (Portuguese), French, German, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Indonesian, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese.

A key advantage will be:
- Experience in betting, gambling and/or sports betting
- experience of working in a betting shop
- Interest in sport, immersion in the subject, awareness of sporting events, players, trends, etc.

Контактная информация

Gabazyans Maria

Сайт: не указан

Почта: не указана

Вакансия опубликована 06.12.2024 в г. Москва.

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